Publishing Design - Final Compilation & Reflection

Publishing Design - Final Compilation & Reflection

28.08.2020 -  27.11.2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Wong Kai Yi (0340236)
Publishing Design
Final Compilation & Reflection




Determining book size

We are to take an A3 paper or stick 2 A4 papers together then fold it into half. After that, we have to determine our book size by making at least 3 sizes which are between A5 to A4.

Fig 5.1 determining book size - red line (chosen size)

Fig 5.2 determining book size - 32 pages cut out (untrimmed)

Fig 5.3 determining book size - opened book (untrimmed)

Here is a video of how it looks:

 Fig 5.4 paged book before trimming

Fig 5.5 Final 32 paged book

Fig 5.6 Final 32 paged book

Fig 5.7 Final 32 paged book

Fig 5.8 Final 32 paged book

Van de Graaf Grid

Fig 5.9 Van de Graaf grid and with text

Text formatting

Fig 5.10 text formatting 1.0

Signature Folding System

Fig 5.11 Signature folding system 1

Fig 5.12 Signature folding system 2

Layout Dissection

Fig 5.13 Layout dissection 1

Fig 5.14 Layout dissection 2

Fig 5.15 Layout dissection 3


Fig 5.16 Layout dissection (PDF)

Determining Grids

Fig 5.17 grid layout 1

Fig 5.18 grid layout 2

Fig 5.19 grid layout 3

Fig 5.20 book grid 1.0 

Form and Movement

Black and white

Fig 5.21 Form and movement 2 final (bw) GIF

Fig 5.22 Form and movement 2 (bw) PDF


Fig 5.23 Form and movement 2 color (gif)


Fig 5.24 Form and movement 2 color (PDF)


Fig 5.25 Form and movement with image (GIF)

Fig 5.26 Form and movement with image (PDF)

Image and text

Fig 5.27 Form and movement with image and text (GIF)

Fig 5.28 Form and movement with image and text (PDF)

Project 1 

Text formatting

Fig 5.29 text formatting

Final illustrations
Fig 5.30 Final Illustration 1

Fig 5.31 Final Illustration 2

Fig 5.32 Final Illustration 3

Fig 5.33 Final Illustration 4

Fig 5.34 Final Illustration 5

Fig 5.35 Final Illustration 6

Fig 5.36 Final Illustration 7

Fig 5.37 Final Illustration 8

Fig 5.38 Final Illustration 9

Fig 5.39 Final Illustration 10 

Fig 5.40 Final Illustration 11

Fig 5.41 Final Illustration 12

Fig 5.42 Final Illustration 13

Fig 5.43 Final Illustration 14

Fig 5.44 Final Illustration 15

Fig 5.45 Final Illustration 16

Fig 5.46 Final Illustration 17

Final Illustrations Thumbnails:

Fig 5.47 Final Illustrations Thumbnails (PNG)

Fig 5.48 Final Illustrations Thumbnails (PNG)


Fig 5.49 final illustrations thumbnails (PDF)

Project 2

Determining Grids

Fig 5.50 Three grid options (PDF)

Fig 5.51 Final Grid Option

Type specimen sheet: 

4 options:

Fig 5.52 Type Specimen Sheet: 4 typeface options

Fig 5.53 Final option for typefaces 


Spreads in images: 

Fig 5.54 Spread 1

Fig 5.55 Spread 2

Fig 5.56 Spread 3

Fig 5.57 Spread 4

Fig 5.58 Spread 5

Fig 5.59 Spread 6

Fig 5.60 Spread 7

Fig 5.61 Spread 8

Fig 5.62 Spread 9

Fig 5.63 Spread 10

Fig 5.64 Spread 11

Fig 5.65 Spread 12

Fig 5.66 Spread 13

Fig 5.67 Spread 14

Fig 5.68 Spread 15

Fig 5.69 Spread 16

Fig 5.70 Reunited - Book cover spreads (inside and outside)     

Fig 5.71 Final Book Thumbnail (PNG)

Fig 5.72 Final Book Thumbnail (PNG)

Fig 5.73 Reunited - Final book thumbnail

Fig 5.74 Reunited - Final Book Spreads

Mock Ups

Fig 5.75 Book cover mock up

Fig 5.76 Book spread mock up

Fig 5.77 Reunited in Flip HTML5

Final Project

Brand Guide

Adobe Interactive PDF

*Please download the file and open in Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the interactive logo animation.

Fig 5.78 Post Rate Brand Guide (Adobe Interactive PDF)

After downloading, view it in Adobe Digital Editions



Publishing design was quite fun for me, although sometimes I may forget the "fixed rules". In the start of the semester, we had to come up with a story / find a story with a word limit. Searching and writing the story was challenging for me, because I did not have enough time. For the exercises, I like how the form and movement exercise is slowly introduced with just basic form, followed by colour, image and text. Project 1 which is generating content especially the visuals was the hardest for me, as I chose to do watercolor illustration. It took me around 6 hours or more for high detailed visuals, so it was quite tiring for me and I required more time to complete them. Project 2, book design was scary at the start, but after practicing and getting familiar with the layout, it became easier. The brand guide (Final project) was applying what we've learnt from the exercises to project 2.


In the start of the semester, everything was quite rushed. However, once we have completed the visuals (project 1), the pace slowed down a little. Mr Vinod was very thorough when teaching us how to design the book. As for the final project, it is merged with brand corporate identity's final project, so the workload was not as heavy as the students from the previous semester.


This module refreshed what I've learnt in typography and advanced typography modules. It has allowed me to apply the knowledge and also learn more about publishing design such as signature folding system, Van de Graaf grid and many more. My favorite is form and movement exercise. Although it was challenging in the start, practice made it easier and set a foundation for me when designing a book. It always reminds me to avoid predictability but still have a consistent layout when designing a book.


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