Publishing Design - Project 2

Publishing Design - Project 2

09.10.2020 - 06.11.2020  (Week 7 - Week 11)
Wong Kai Yi (0340236)
Publishing Design
Project 2 (Book Design)




09.10.2020 (Week 7)

Layout References:

Fig 3.1 Layout References for my book design

Determining grids:

Here are the three grid options for the book design:

Fig 3.2 Three grid options (JPG)

Three grid options in PDF:

Fig 3.3 Three grid options (PDF)

Final grid option is grid 1.

Fig 3.4 Final grid option - grid 1 (JPG)

Fig 3.5 Final Grid Option

Type specimen sheet: 

4 options:

Fig 3.6 Type Specimen Sheet: 4 typeface options

Fig 3.7 Final option for typefaces 

We started off from the half title to the first chapter, and showed it to Mr Vinod. Size of body text is to be between 8-12pt. 12pt is quite large and is usually considering the elderly. 

First attempt:

Fig 3.8 Half title to chapter 1 design 1 (no grids)

Fig 3.9 Half title to chapter 1 design 1 (with grids)

After receiving feedback, I slightly changed the design. I removed the cover (inside and outside page) because the cover has to be a separate file. Additionally, I saturated the color of the full title.

2nd attempt:

Fig 3.10 Half title to chapter 1 design 2 (with grids)

16.10.2020 (Week 8)

We were to design up to chapter 2. The contents section has also been changed as I reduced the point size of the text. The initial size was too large. I also tried a slightly different layout of one spread (chapter 1), and put it at as the last spread to show Mr Vinod. Mr Vinod stated that it looks too messy and I stick with the original one.

3rd attempt:

Fig 3.11 Half title to chapter 2 design 1 (no grids)

Fig 3.12 Half title to chapter 2 design 1 (with grids)

23.10.2020 (Week 9)

I finished the entire book design. I changed several pull quotes (spread 7 and 9) as previously they were not consistent. 

4th attempt:

Fig 3.13 Full book design (no grids)

Book cover design 1:

Fig 3.14 Book cover design 1

Mr Vinod suggested that I experiment with more layouts for the book cover. Alignment, placement of images. The barcode also requires a white border around it to make it look aesthetically pleasing and easy for scanning.

30.10.2020 (Week 10)

Adding color:
I tried adding colors to the book. The first try was a peachy color and the second was a beige color.

5th and 6th attempt:

Fig 3.15 Full book design with added neutral color 1 and 2

After receiving feedback, Mr Vinod suggested that I try a warm grey as my visuals are very vibrant and can be toned down with a little warm grey.

7th attempt:

Fig 3.16 Full book design with added neutral color 3 (warm grey) - final

The layout with warm grey was approved.

I also showed 4 versions of the book cover, and Mr Vinod said for the front cover I go with either option 1 or 3. For the back cover, I go with option 1.

Fig 3.17 Book cover 4 options

07.11.2020 (Week 11)

Final Submission:

Spreads in images:

Fig 3.18 Spread 1

Fig 3.19 Spread 2

Fig 3.20 Spread 3

Fig 3.21 Spread 4

Fig 3.22 Spread 5

Fig 3.23 Spread 6

Fig 3.24 Spread 7

Fig 3.25 Spread 8

Fig 3.26 Spread 9

Fig 3.27 Spread 10

Fig 3.28 Spread 11

Fig 3.29 Spread 12

Fig 3.30 Spread 13

Fig 3.21 Spread 14

Fig 3.32 Spread 15

Fig 3.33 Spread 16

Fig 3.34 Reunited - Book cover spreads (inside and outside)     

Fig 3.35 Final Book Thumbnail (PNG)

Fig 3.36 Final Book Thumbnail (PNG)

Fig 3.37 Reunited - Final book thumbnail

Fig 3.38 Reunited - Final Book Spreads

Mock Ups:

Fig 3.39 Book cover mock up

Fig 3.40 Book spread mock up

Fig 3.41 Reunited in Flip HTML5


09.10.2020 (Week 7)

General feedback:
Give prominence to the author, not the publisher. The publisher still has to be there because it is funding the book. After completing, we should look at the thumbnail and show Mr Vinod. He will ask us to add a neutral shade in strategic places (pages).

Specific feedback:
The imprint can be 1.5 or 2 columns, it shouldn't be the same width as the body text. Add some letter spacing to the title, it's a bit tight. For the treatment of the pull quotes, it has to be consistent. I can play with them, but they still have to be somehow consistent.

16.10.2020 (Week 8)

General feedback:
Give prominence to the author, not the publisher. The publisher still has to be there because it is funding the book. After completing, we should look at the thumbnail and show Mr Vinod. He will ask us to add a neutral shade in strategic places (pages).

Specific feedback:
The imprint can be 1.5 or 2 columns, it shouldn't be the same width as the body text. Add some letter spacing to the title, it's a bit tight. For the treatment of the pull quotes, it has to be consistent. I can play with them, but they still have to be somehow consistent.

23.10.2020 (Week 9)

General feedback:
When designing the layouts, think of form and movement exercise that we have done and apply it to the design. The cover pages needs to be a spread, facing pages. Add 2mm length when it needs to be printed into a physical book. Remember to insert page numbers. We can skip page numbers if we choose to (e.g. full image spread)

Specific feedback:
References spread: the left page doesn't need to have the white block of opacity, I can just totally make it white, leaving the right page filled with textured visual. 
Last page: the visual is too contrasting, try to tone it down or making it duotone
Can start to add neutral shade / highlight to some of the pages / spreads
Front: try different placements, explore a bit more. Remember to include publisher on the front cover.
Back: centrally aligned body text is not suitable, I can try left or right alignment with the body text with alignment to the barcode.

30.10.2020 (Week 10)

General feedback:
Look and analyze good book covers, find design books because they usually have good covers. The book cover is important not just front but also the back. Barcode size has to be suitable and needs a white border around it (2-3mm). 

Specific feedback:
Cover: bigger barcode, give a 2-3mm border around it. Layout 1 and 3 are better, layout 1 is more quiet. The back cover without the tree is better.

07.11.2020 (Week 11)

General feedback:
For the book inside cover, just put it beside the half title page and last page. For the e-portfolio, refer to Kar Yan and Qian Hui's. Include the PDF and Flip Html5 book inside.

Specific feedback:
The left justify works well. Neutral colors work as well.


The initial stage was indeed frightening, as Mr Vinod asked us to design up to the first chapter and show it in class with whatever we have come up with. The starting was challenging, because I was still exploring around different placements of the text and images in the grid. The size of the text especially in the contents page was too big (apparently because I thought to fill up the space). After a lot of experimenting in placement, it slowly got easier when designing the remaining chapters. It was quite fun and challenging at the same time because we had to apply what we learnt in form and movement exercise. After I wass done with the book, I felt a sense of achievement. I am really glad to see a book that was designed by myself (with the help of Mr Vinod).


Title: Indie Publishing: How to Design and Produce Your Own Book by Ellen Lupton

Fig 3.42 Indie Publishing front cover

Fig 3.43 Indie Publishing content

One section from this book that I find interesting is the "Picture Books for Adults". It explains that picture books aren't just only for kids, but can also suit an older audience. It depends on the storytelling and placement of visuals which interacts with the reader. The examples provided in this book are very interesting, as you can see that the visuals are placed at the corners or sides of the book correlating to the meaning of it.


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