Design Research Dissertation

Design Research Dissertation

27.08.2020 - 26.11.2020  (Week 1 - Week 14)
Wong Kai Yi (0340236)
Design Research Dissertation



Turnitin Report (PDF)

Fig 1.1 Turnitin Report (PDF)

Flipbook (Fliphtml5)

Fig 1.2 Flipbook

Journal Article (PDF)

Fig 1.3 Journal Article (PDF)


This module is very different from the other modules in the Creative Media course, because it focuses on research. This journey through design research methodology and design research dissertation has been interesting yet challenging, as we are exposed to the systematic way of conducting research. I have learnt a lot on research, such as methodology, discussion etc. It is also crucial to include references from reliable sources and provide justification wherever required. Otherwise, the research would be not convincing and reliable as it is not backed up by academic sources. 

Although I have faced many difficulties throughout both modules, I found solutions to the problem. Reading secondary sources are equally important as collecting primary sources, because they give a foundation for the researcher to expand on the research.

Dr Jinchi has been very informative and helpful by teaching and guiding me throughout the entire journey, and I could never have achieved this academic level without her guidance. I am really thankful for having Dr Jinchi as my lecturer and supervisor in this research.


Week 2 (04.09.2020)

Ms Jinchi stated that I should make the themes / subtopics more like a title, e.g. What is a Character. Besides, I should explain in the "giant" introduction of the discussion a brief of the whole research, including the research methods (why, pros, cons). We also have to write everything in 3rd person. I must also state how the design elements and principles found in movie posters bring out the themes / subtopics, so as not to discuss about the MOVIE but the MOVIE POSTERS. In the introduction, I am suggested to add the description of "the themes and subtopics are discussed in context of the movie posters". Ms Jinchi also noted to define explanations which will answer the research questions. I have to also use secondary research to support any argument. For example an argument about how the themes of the movie are brought out solely through a movie poster.
I have to make sure that the themes / subtopics have a flow. Hence, at the end of each theme, I provide an explanation on how they are related or how it leads to the next topic. The example is as below.

An example for an explanation of a theme is to explain the character(s) of the movie in relation to the movie poster design. Rename the theme so that it is suitable for reading: What is a Character? Explanation:... A character cannot be alive on its own. Hence, the background and supporting subjects brought out by imagery brings the character into context... (to continue the flow to the next theme) 
I can start writing my discussion and I have to make sure that the research questions are answered and the flow of the text is there.

Week 3 (11.09.2020)

The structure of the discussion has to be changed. Merge history and purpose to background of movie posters.
For my originally written introduction under the main discussion (Desiging the Movie Posters), there are some parts explaining the research methods that do not have to be included. I can use those to make ammendments to my research methods. Instead, I should write in the introduction about the most important aspect which is to bring out the intended message by explaining abcde. 

If can also add a topic on The Future of Movie Posters, including the integration of new media such as virtual reality, AR etc. At the end, I will make a conclusion to summarize everything up. Therefore, I will have three topics - 1. Background of Movie Posters, 2. Designing the Movie Posters, 3. The Future of Movie Posters. 

By week 4, I have to show part 1 of the discussion and some of part 2.

Ms Jinchi said that it was good that researches have internalization, which is realizing or questioning some information during the process. She also stated that my topics support / answer the research question. For topic 3, Future of Movie Posters, it can show the open-mindedness of a designer by including different areas of creative media which is new media - augmented reality and more.

I have to cite the sources. Use secondary and primary resources for the research.

Week 4 (18.09.2020)

For the descriptive writing section, some of the information can be compressed and left out. This is because some are not relevant or are redundant in leading the readers to the research questions. They can be briefly explained throughout section 1. At the end of the first topic, I have to add "The Purpose of Movie Posters Today" as a part of text which brings the readers into the main topic which is design elements and principles. 

Sometimes a sentence or a word makes a difference. They can guide the reader to the next subtopic and link the whole text together so that they stick within the context.

For the organization of the list of topics and subtopics, Ms Jinchi made some suggestions that I separate topic 2 into 2 different topics. This will clearly show that the new topic 2 answers research question 1 while the new topic 3 answers research question 2. The bulk of words will be in topic 3, followed by topic 2. 

Week 5 (25.09.2020)

For week 6, we have to show the overall structure of the entire disseratation and the condensed literature review (750-950 words). We do not have to put individual bibliography; instead we just put citation e.g. Jackson (2003). It is supposedly to be a continuous write up of all 7 literature reviews, where the overall topic relevant to my research (by comparison). The whole dissertation cannot have more than 15% similarity when checked with turn-it-in. It is suggested to paraphrase instead of quoting directly.

For my discussion, some parts of topic 1 can be shortened. I also have to add more visuals related to the text. E.g. hand painted posters and modern movie posters. For topic 2, I do not have to disseminate the posters one by one again like in DRM, but I have to discuss them as an overall layout and how the characters, emotions etc are brought out.

For the use of visuals, I am suggested to use 2-3 posters each for different subtopics. It is also advised to crop certain parts of the posters when talking about a specific element / theme.

Week 6 (02.10.2020)

For week 7,(book design) we have to present moodboard with the concept that reflects the design for the topic. Include visual references.

For my entire structure, I have to label and number the topics right. 

Title: include title page and give a title to your research

For the abstract, increase to about 200 words.
Introduction: 1st paragraph is ok, 2nd paragraph is not needed. Briefly explain the various parts and structure of the dissertation. Include other posters (visuals) in the problem statement. E.g. infomercial posters

Literature review: 
1. related to your research data
2. evaluate the strength (& weaknesses) and do comparison - (if not, 
In the introduction, make a statement that is something like "The content below are the strengths identified by the researcher when studying the papers.")
Start with an overall summary of what each article is about. Then, dive into each topic but I do not have to add the subtopics.
The section of posters have to be moved up to the first paragraph, followed by the sturcture and the next topics.

Research methods: For the planning, change to what I have done (past tense), with justifications. How did I design and carry out the survey? Also include a sample of the survey in the appendix. Justify why 2 posters each and how I chose 3 genres with short explanations of the movies.

Conclusion: Include limitations of study - research and technical issues such as:
1. unable to generalize discussion but based on what I found on
2. survey - not general as the number of respondents were not over x number
Can include future studies

Project Design Recommendations: not necessary 

Week 7 (09.10.2020)

Book design:
Due to the fact that my design topic is movie posters, I have to choose something more classic and cinematographic. For the color palette, pick some classic colors such as one neutral with maximum 2 other colors. Book size is standard A5. 
*I forgot to search for book cover design.
For the reference list and picture credits, picture credits are not in refernce list. For the additional visuals used in book design, I can either label them or note them such as "Cover figure" "Visual accompanying heading 1: Problem statement" followed my the credits.

No class on Week 8, as it is self independent learning week.
By week 9, we have to show the application and exploration of typeface done in InDesign. I can also show my book cover design in that week before class.

Week 8 (16.10.2020)

Public holiday: no feedback

Week 9 (23.10.2020)

Book design:
Include: Title, author, Taylor's text and logo, TDS text logo
Can use an image which looks like a movie poster (e.g. Evicted)
The font choice for title and heading can be more interesting, something more rounded instead of using Univers. 

Week 10 (30.10.2020)

Public holiday: no feedback

Week 11 (06.11.2020)

General information:
We have to submit the final dissertation with turnitin by Sunday (PDF). Book design submission is latest by Wednesday (with flip html5).

Specific feedback:
I showed Ms Jinchi my edited dissertation.
The abstact requires some changes to make the information clear towards the reader.
For 5.2.4 "elements",  note clearly if they are the design elements / movie elements such as character, setting etc. For the Hobbit, explain more about the movement, such as the direction, which is circular motion from the center (largest central figure) to the hobbit and so on. Also include the mention of dragon as one of the magical creatures which leads to the style of the movie.

For romance, explain how the way they look at each other, and the smooth treatment of the image to make it look dreamy. Explain the use of red and yellow.

For conclusion, include some information on future studies such as the genre / other types of posters / 
online. Question what is the role of movie posters if there are already short trailers.

Week 12 (13.11.2020)

We had a briefing on our final assigment, which is converting our lengthy dissertation into a journal article. There is a pre-recorded lecture in Teams for us to refer for instructions.

1. Name: APA style : Kai Yi, Wong
2. Use your taylors email and personal gmail (in case people want to contact you in the future - if your article is curated to be in Kreate)
3. Can use pictures relevant to your research (new pictures / pictures from dissertation)
4. Focus on one or two research questions. OR Combine them but make sure all the contents in the article is relevant. Explain them in the introduction wiithout having to list them out like in dissertation.
5. Keywords: Graphic Design, Movie Posters (Max 5)
6. Introduction: Introduce your article, not your dissertation (omit irrelevant information) 
Explain about the background, structure and include research question(s)
7. Appendices can include survey, table, image (for mine I can make all the 6 posters as 1 image as one appendix)
8. For the survey, only use relevant charts (appendices). Feature the data in writing by describing the chart.

Week 13 (20.11.2020)

Journal article draft (KREATE)
When I use design elements and principles (DEP) as abbreviation, I just use it for all of the following phrases.
For my images (Fig 1 and 2), I can explain the difference in the problem statement (1895 vs 2015 - 120 years difference).
Methodology everything in past tense.
For the "curate movie posters", I am suggested to replace "curate" with "study" or "systematically observed" so that it will not be too repetitive. Curating is also a part of research, so I have to use the right term.
I tend to use "which" a lot, so I have to change the sentence structure to bring variation to my writing.
Change to "similarities and differences in style", because I have repeated some points. 
Change from "subjective" to "in-depth" point of view because subjective brings doubt.
The survey collected / garnered 143 responses

Include the percentage when showing the findings.
Structure for the Findings and Discussion section can be organized, where I support the statements by including findings from primary data and secondary data (including literature review). E.g. Imagery - explain, include references from visual analysis, online survey and lit. review. 

Limitations of study include the process of collecting data. The difficulty that I have faced is the complex intertwining of subtopics that caused the problem of identifying a clear structure and organization of topics in the discussion.

references: only include what you have cited in-text
picture credits: 
Include the credits for the 6 movie posters
e.g. Appendix 1 Compilation of Movie Posters
 IT (2017), ...
The Conjuring (2014), ...

Appendix: include a disclaimer regarding the survey questionnaire 

Week 14 (27.11.2020)

In the start of the discussion, explain how I will be explaining (the direction and what are they). Some information is repetitive and long, which can be shortened / not included in the article. Sometimes, I also have to combine the information to suit the structure of the discussion. The findings from the survey (imagery 41%, composition 34%...) can be put at the end of the discussion to show that the results tally with my research in determining the 4 main DEP.
When explaining the partrs where I mentioned open-ended questions, quote sample answers that were given by the respondents.

Submission for journal article: Sunday, 29/11/2020

Submission for blog: 06/12/2020
Send the link to Ms Jinchi by telegram message.
